How Yoga Helps Heal Trauma

When I finally decided to pursue getting my career in yoga, I was in the midst of reading TONS of self-help books about healing and came across the book The Body Keeps the Score. I was surprised to find out that one of the most effective ways to help someone heal from trauma and PTSD is to implore techniques found in yoga and meditation. Now, as the connection between yoga & meditation and trauma healing therapies trends, there is ever-growing data on why it works and how we as instructors can implement special methods to suit the needs of these clients.

What The Studies Show

  • People who have experienced chronic or repeated trauma alternate between being highly sensitized & easily triggered, and feeling numb or disconnected from their bodies.

  • Trauma-sensitive yoga helps people heighten their body awareness and notice what is happening inside themselves so they can learn to release tension, reduce and control fear and arousal, and tolerate sensation.

  • It also mitigates the fight-or-flight response through a combination of active poses (asanas), breath work (pranayama) and deep relaxation. It does this by decreasing the sympathetic nervous system’s reactive response and increasing the parasympathetic relaxation response.

  • Trauma-sensitive yoga helps individuals learn to calm their minds and regulate their physical responses, including emotions. They’re able to learn to recognize and tolerate physical sensations and thereby regain a feeling of safety inside their bodies.

If you or someone you know is interested in this type of yoga and meditation and would like to book a one-on-one session, click the link below to schedule one today!


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